Make an Impact.
The Impact Conference kicks off a year-long cycle where we support projects locally, regionally and globally. Commit to giving financially, to pray, join a serve team working on the projects, or sign up for an international short-term mission trip!
What are my Impact Commitments?
You have the privilege of being personally financially involved in what God is doing through City Hill Church to fulfill Acts 1:8b
and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. - Acts 1:8b
Giving finances to the Impact Projects so that others may come to know Jesus
Going to share your faith and serve those in need through the Local Projects and Short-Term Mission Trips.
Why are my Impact Commitments important?
We are called to reach out to those who don’t know Jesus. God continues to release vision and strategy for how we can more effectively reach the lost. Your prayerful commitment to give and to go makes these visions a reality.
How do I make an Impact Fund Commitment?
Pray and ask God to speak to you. When He tells you the amount of finances to pledge, you may make a one-time contribution or give monthly contributions over the next 12 months {October - September}. As opportunities to serve those in need and share the Gospel {Local Projects} become available at City Hill, please sign up as God directs you! Application for Short-Term Mission Trips are available by contacting the church office.
Global $24,000
Local $28,000
Short-Term Trips $18,000
Equipping $10,000

Central Asia - $4,000
Send our MPs to a conference focused on the power of prayer to reach souls for Christ in Central Asia. This will be a time of focused prayer, encouragement, and practical training for workers in this part of the world.
Featured MP: unlisted Central Asia
Prepare Ministries - $4,000
Record a number of Gary’s teachings with professional videography to share on online video platforms, expanding the audience that is able to benefit from them.
Featured MP: Gary & Stella Gilbertson
Wycliffe Bible Translation - $2,000
Support the translation team doing the work of translating scripture into the Kumyk language.
Featured MP: Paul & Linda Humnick
Taiwan - $2,000
Support freestyle basketball shows on the street, at camps, and at events held by charitable organizations all around the country, combining art and messages to share the hope of Jesus while providing a connection point between the local church and the community.
Featured MP: Unlisted Taiwan
YWAM | Twin Cities - $2,000
Purchase the food required for a LifeRice packing event.
Featured MP: Steve & Barb Norell
New Mercies Ministries - $2,000
Vocational training for teen moms who are victims of gender-based violence. Training will be done in partnership with Faith Victory Association in Rwanda and will teach career skills such as tailoring or hairdressing. As well as providing a way to earn an income, this training will have strong evangelistic and faith-based themes throughout, caring for both physical and spiritual needs of the mothers.
Featured MP: Charlie & Karen Oglesby
CRU | Twin Cities - $2,000
Clean water and living water make great combo! Purchase filters from Filter of Hope to be used on an upcoming trip. The team will bring these filters to families in need, providing a crucial source of clean drinking water, and then also use the opportunity to share the gospel message.
Featured MP: Steven & Robin Ose
Charis Bible College | Singapore - $2,000
Partner with Charis students doing ministry in Vietnam. Students will minister at drug rehab centers, at events at local churches, and directly to local families. Provide supplies and help with costs that make this ministry possible.
Featured MP: Cindy Pearson
Gospel Community | Eden Prairie - $4,000
Support several evangelism-focused outreaches around the holidays this fall and winter. Help Gospel Community host a booth at City Hill’s Trunk ‘n Treat event to build relationships with the neighbors and spark gospel conversations. Provide supplies and food for multiple events using creative arts and hospitality as evangelism, especially around Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Featured MP: Paul & Bobbi Wichterman
Here are some of the many local outreach projects we are focusing on over the next 12 months:
Serving hot meal for homeless in Mpls. - In Love, Word & Deed
Store for families struggling financially - Christmas Store
Growing fresh produce for PROP - Crops for PROP
Handing out gospel tracts - EP Harvest to Halloween event
Trunk or Treat at City Hill Church
Free prayer at Holistic Fairs - Prophetic Outreach Team
Hot meals for families struggling financially - Thanksgiving Meals
Encouraging folks experiencing suffering - Words of Hope
And many more to be created!
Serve Day | 2025
City Hill Church is holding a one-day event to show the love of Jesus and make a difference in real & tangible ways in our community in early Spring 2025.

Together. When we come as one body with God as our project manager… its amazing what can be done.
Impact Projects. Efforts locally and globally to serve the world and advance the Kingdom of God. Servant Evangelism and love.
MPs. Work with people living on mission. Get inspired. Learn and teach!
Empowered by the HOly spirit
Spirit Move. We don’t impact. the Spirit moving through us does. His Spirit. His Glory. Greater things.
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. - 1 Corinthians 10:31
Can we find you something else?
What is the Impact Conference?
Who are the Ministry Partners?