Relationships that Impact…
We believe in the Great Commission (Matt 28:18) and desire to be witnesses to our encounter with the power of the Holy Spirit to all peoples near and far (Acts 1:8). We are a sending church, not a supporting church. Our Executive Outreach Team (EOT) walks with our Ministry Partners (MPs) from God’s first calling on their lives to retirement and beyond. City Hill desires to be faithful to equip the saints (Eph 4:12) to fulfill God’s purpose on their lives. Whether regional or international, that involves not only financial and prayer support, but logistics, preparation, training, communication, and dedication to God’s work through each MP.
And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”- Luke 10:2
Gary & Stella Gilbertson | Prepare Ministries
Gary and Stella have been married 51 years! They met during an inner-city summer outreach in Miami, Florida. For 22 very happy years they Pastored New Covenant Church (now City Light) in Northfield MN. In 2000 they founded Prepare Ministries, a campus based young adult ministry. In the spirit of John the Baptist, who heralded the first coming of Christ, their purpose is to prepare a generation for the second coming of Jesus and the establishment of His kingdom. They also published 2 all age Bible study helps called "Draw Thru the Bible" Old Testament and New Testament. Gary and Stella have 4 grown children, 13 grandchildren, 2 step-grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. Learn more & follow our journey by visiting www.prepareministries.com.
Paul & Linda Humnick | Wycliffe Bible Translators
Paul and Linda are members of Wycliffe Bible Translators. They have two children, Abraham and Katy. Paul serves on a Bible translation project for the Kumyk people of Dagestan, Russia. Linda works as a linguistics consultant and administrator for consulting services for language and translation projects in the Eurasia area. Their vision is to participate in the Bible translation process so that the bibleless peoples of the world will have access to God’s Word in their mother tongue, the language of their hearts.
Steve & Barb Norell | YWAM | Twin Cities
Steve & Barb have been serving with YWAM 30 years - fourteen years with YWAM in the DR and now in MN. They work with YWAM Minneapolis where Steve is on the Leadership Team and also oversees accounting, Kids Against Hunger and vehicles. Barb is in charge of Hospitality, Staff Member Care & Development, Personnel and assists with Kids Against Hunger events. They are passionate to see God’s people healed of past hurts & better prepared for Kingdom service. Their vision & mission is to be part of a team effort with YWAM Mpls to reach, train and disciple youth, sending them as missionaries to the unreached nations of the world. They embrace YWAM Mpls’ vision statement and by God’s grace are dedicated to implementing it with the ultimate goal of redeeming peoples and cultures for the glory of God.
Charlie & Karen Oglesby | New Mercies Ministries
Charlie & Karen are the directors of New Mercies whose mission is to bring the message of Christ’s passion to hurting, hungry, hardened, and hopeless people in post-crisis nations through sustainable relief and development projects in cooperation with local churches & organizations. Their current focus is Rwanda where they work to mobilize local people to meet the physical and spiritual needs of those most vulnerable. Their signature project, Faith Village, is a community of safe homes where young girls who are victims of abuse will be cared for and equipped through a process of recovery, restoration, and discipleship. Learn more & follow our journey by visiting: www.newmercies.org www.facebook.com/NewMerciesMinistries/ www.instagram.com/newmerciesministries
Steven & Robin Ose | CRU | Twin Cities
Robin felt the Lord’s call to preach the gospel while in college and specifically overseas. Steven felt the call to preach the gospel while in seminary. They originally both interned in East Asia and then they met in Colorado. They served together in East Asia for years and now back in the States serving within CRU. They have two boys, Stevie & JJ. “Reach the campus today, reach the world tomorrow,” is how they are seeking to help fulfill the Great Commission. Their heart is to reach the students on the 6,000 campuses of the world today in order to transform the world tomorrow as these students become leaders in business, education, missions & more. Learn more & follow their journey by emailing: Steven & Robin Ose @steven.ose@cru.org.
Cindy Pearson | Charis Bible College | Singapore
Cindy is the director of Andrew Wommack Ministries/Charis Bible College Singapore. Her passion is to see lives transformed by the truth of God’s Word. She was called to the nations at age10, and now has spent 18 years serving in Asia. She has seen firsthand that the Chinese need to know the heart of the Gospel. In 2012, after setting up a rehab center for special needs children at a government orphanage, she returned to the states for further equipping at Charis Bible College. While in Hong Kong she has seen the ministry expand to 280 students in 5 countries with multiple Chinese translation projects. Her dream is being realized as local Christians are being trained up and empowered to disciple the next generation of leaders.
Unlisted | Central Asia
For the safety and protection of the MP, we cannot publish more information. Come visit to find out more
Unlisted | Taiwan
Seek to proclaim the hope of Jesus with youth and young adults in Taiwan. Using freestyle basketball both as sport and art, training with other Taiwanese freestyles and creating spaces for proclamation evangelism. Also, creating music that will be used in future evangelistic shows and curates online content for their ministry. They plan to help international evangelistic bands set up tours in Taiwan and disciple non- and new believers.
Paul & Bobbi Wichterman | Gospel Community
Paul & Bobbi are the founders/directors of Gospel Community, a discipleship program that uses an intentional Christian community house model. Inhabitants of Gospel Community commit to three foundational rhythms of discipleship. 1. Living in an οἶκος (oikos) environment that produces deep roots of sharing, hospitality, prayer, scripture study, and worship. 2. Serving partnership ministries that plant gospel seeds through evangelism, care for unhoused neighbors, and being the hands and feet of Jesus in the secular world. 3. Attending/serving the local church, being an integrated and integral part of the growing community that follows Jesus.

Care Teams. Ministry Partners are sent out from the community and remain an integral part of our community.
Mission. Each Ministry partner has a calling and purpose to reach their context for Jesus.
EOT. Our church has many active and former Ministry Partners that train up and support the next generation of MPs.
Empowered by the HOly spirit
One Spirit. Greater things than He. Heal, Cleanse, Raise. Eagerly desire Prophesy. Come impact with us.
And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.” - Isaiah 6:8
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